Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Critical Reflection (take 2)

So, as you probably noticed, my original critical reflection post didn't work so after pressing several buttons and having no idea why I was doing, I asked my tech-savvy friends how to fix my little problem. Thanks to them, it works now! (I hope)



Sunday, April 12, 2015

Critical Reflection

I hope you enjoy my little podcast!!



After working on this for like, two weeks (as in I filmed and edited for two weeks), I am pretty proud to show it to everyone!!
Here it is, I hope you get scared.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


While I only got two bloopers on tape, one I'm sure you'll appreciate, as it's my dad dancing like what my mom says in the background, "Un butterfly". Unfortunately I didn't get a very long part of it, but you can imagine the beginning with a grown man twirling around like a little ballerina. It was hilarious.

and then, while I was outside in the pitch black, my dad decided it would be hilarious to go around back and scare the absolute life out of me… the scream is real, I swear.

Monday, April 6, 2015


Last night I FINISHED ALL MY FILMING! (My job made it hard to film at night). I covered myself in some fake blood, made several cuts on my body, and for the final touch, I made myself look extra dead and pale with some talcum powder. Here's a little clip of how I made a piece of one of the cuts:
and this is an after photo: